Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Studies

NCHSE’s inception was initially as a research, evaluation and training organization. NCHSE has actively carried out a number of monitoring and evaluation studies of developmental projects related to poverty alleviation, housing, rural roads, water supply, sanitation, electrification, urban basic services, public distribution system, watershed development, health services, etc. With the help of a senior research and evaluation team, NCHSE presented the findings of its studies at appropriate levels in the government and the tables of policy makers so that corrective measures could be taken for the betterment of communities. The findings of these studies have helped
  1. to point out the drawbacks of policies,
  2. to assess impact of development programmes and
  3. to suggest corrective action for future to the government.
A few of the more important research projects are mentioned below:


Sponsoring agency


Developing a manual on Citizen Report Card on urban basic service delivery.



Citizen Report Card on urban basic services in four major cities of Madhya Pradesh.



Quick evaluation study of 14 major development programmes (MGNREGS, PMGSY, SSA, ICDS, RGGVY, NRHM, BRGF, ASH, RGNDW, TPDS, IAY, etc.) of Govt. of India in five districts of Chhattisgarh State affected by LWE.

Planning Commission


Economic analysis of MP-DPIP sub projects in 14 districts of Madhya Pradesh.

MP-DPIP, Panchayat and Rural Development, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.


Documentation of Human Rights and Citizens Entitlement (Rehabilitation of displaces persons due to construction of major dams, bonded labour and its abolition, special problems of women and their rights, Human rights and citizens entitlements in protection of environment, Status of women and children in M.P., Patterns and problems of migration of tribal women workers, Access to education in India, Law relating to employment of children, Forest and rights, Access to Municipal services).

Ford Foundation, New Delhi.


Sustainable utilization of natural resources in Jhabua district

International Development Research Centre, Canada.


Alleviation of urban poverty (the cities of Bangalore, Indore and Calcutta).

Planning Commission.


Housing for Hammals for the state of Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka

Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India.


Housing cum work-sheds for power-loom workers (the cities of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, Sholapur in Maharashtra and Meerut in Uttar Pradesh.

HUDCO, New Delhi and Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.


Perspective plan of urbanization for MP(1991-2021). 

Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.


Status of Urban Infrastructure and Recommendations for Up-gradation.

Asian Development Bank.


Setting up of Climate Change Pulse Centre (CCPC), Indore Division-1 covering the districts of Jhbua, Alirajpur, Indore, and Dhar located in Jhbaua hills and Malwa Agro Climatic Zone.



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