S. No Name of Project Sanctioning Authority Project  Started on Year Project cost
1 A study of Urban Infrastructure of M.P. Asian Development Bank Dec-97 4,88,894.00
2 Additional Contract of Swashakti in Kesla Mahila Arthik Vikas Nigam, Bhopal   07/2002 2,76,766.00
3 Additional Contract of Swashakti in Sehore Mahila Arthik Vikas Nigam, Bhopal   01/2002 2,34,898.00
4 Evaluation survey of the Implementation and Impact of programmes for Alleviation of urban poverty in selected towns of M.P.     1,00,000.00
5 Application of Town & Country Planning Project Ministry of Agriculture, Dept. of Rural Development, GOI, New Delhi Jan-86 5,95,100.00
6 Augmentation of Energy needs through Bio-gas Afforestation for Tribals for Ghoradongri              UNDP through Development Alternatives N.Delhi.                  Oct-99 5,90,900.00
7 Base line Survey & Mobilization for formation of 19 SHG for 240 Handicrafts artisans in the craft of bead work, Tera Kota, Dollmaking Tribal Garments, Bamboo Craft,1 cluster at Kalyanpura Distt. Jhabua M.P. Development Commissioner (Handicraft), Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, New Delhi 02/2002 2,00,000.00
8 Bhoj Wetland sewage network plan mapping and printing Bhojwetland, Bhopal   1,39,650.00
9 Bhojwet Land Project Bhojwet Land, Bhopal Oct-00 7,000.00
10 C.D.S. Survey Project Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Oct-92 1,11,000.00
11 Campus planning and development & roof water harvesting Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidiyalaya, Bhopal 07/2003 16,02,075.00
12 CAPART Green House Council for Advancement of Peoples Action, Rural Technology, New Delhi   9,000.00
13 CAPART Project for Ghoradongri CAPART, New Delhi Oct-94 5,47,000.00
14 Carry out a survey for prepration of database on health infrastructure and facilities in M.P. Pertaining to health institution in PHC's,SHC's and CHC's DANIDA, Support Unit, Bhopal 04/2004 71,62,975.00
15 CASA Phase-II Church's Auxiliary for Social Action, New Delhi Jan-01 40,00,000.00
16 Church's Auxiliary Social Action (CASA) Project, Socio Development of Selected Tribal Villages through People's Participation in Jhabua Integrated Eco-development Board Apr-96 42,57,000.00
17 Concurrent Evaluation of IAEPs in 5 districts National Afforestation and Eco development Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Feb-96 2,65,000.00
18 Concurrent Evaluation of IAEPs in Jammu & Kashmir National Afforestation Development Board, Ministry of Forest and Environment, Govt. of Feb-96 2,65,000.00
19 Concurrent Evaluation of NWDB in 10 districts National Afforestation & Eco-development Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi May-92 2,00,000.00
20 Conducting 1 batch of Training ( Skill Up-gradation) under scheme A for duration of 6 month for artisana of SHG's cluster in village Barkheda Kalyanpura, Dist. Jhabua M.P.                                                               In doll making craft GOI, Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi 02/2004  '02/2004 '02/2004 '02/2004 50,000.00                           49,000.00                        54,000.00                   54,000.00
21 Construction of  30 beded Maternity Home & Child Care Hospital at Jhabua, M.P. Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 10/2004 60,00,000.00
22 Construction of Community Hall Distt. Jhabua Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 10/2004 3,60,000.00
23 Construction of community hall in Anterwelia  Distt. Jhabua Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 10/2003 1,50,000.00
24 Construction of community hall in Gailor Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 10/2003 2,00,000.00
25 Construction of Earthen Dam at Ghoghra Raiyat, Kesla DRDA, Hoshangabad   2,70,000.00
26 Construction of Low cost Latrines                    CAPART, New Delhi              Oct-99 4,71,086.00
27 Construction of Stop Dam at Gail Village Project-II                  Gas Auth. of India Ltd., Jhabua Jun-97 18,33,847.00
28 Construction of Stop Dam at Gail Village, Project -II Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua Jun-97 18,33,847.00
29 Construction of Temple at Gaylor Kalan Village,Distt. Jhabua             Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhauba Mar-00 1,39,000.00
30 Report on Status of Infrastructure in Madhya Pradesh DFID, New Delhi Jul-00 1,50,000.00
31 Corporate Social Resposibility Programme in GAIL (India) Ltd., at Khera region M.P.Distt. Ujjain Gas Authority of India Ltd., Village Chikli-Khera, Tehsil Tarana, Dist. Ujjain 12/2004 25,00,000.00
32 Upgradation of Skills of Tribal Women in agriculture and Allied Sectors to Generate Employment Opportunities DANIDA Mission, GOI, New Delhi Sep-88 13,26,000.00
  Preproject Survey in Mandla District      
  Preproject survey in Jabalpur District      
  Preproject survey in Rajgarh District      
  Preproject survey in Surguja District      
  Preproject survey in Sidhi District      
33 Evaluation study of Supervisory Activities of health Assistants (Male & Female) Block extension Educator and Block Medical Officer in Danida Project Area of M.P. DANIDA, Bhopal   1,78,000.00
34 National Workshop on Upgradation of Skills of Tribal Women in agriculture and Allied sectors to Generate Employment Opportunities DANIDA Mission, GOI, New Delhi May-89 50,000.00
35 Department of Rural Development Project     3,57,060.00
36 DFID Second Phase Fodder Distribution - Jhabua Church's Auxiliary for Social Action, New Delhi Feb.-01 60,000.00
37 Documentation of  Shyam Nagar, Bhopal (Slum Project) Chief Executive Officer. Jila Panchyat, Bhopal Apr-00 14,102.00
38 Documentation of Shyam Nagar (Slum)     12,902.00
39 DOE-GIS Project Department of Electronics, Govt. of India, New Delhi Oct-99 41,87,000.00
40 DRDA Project Commissioner, Department of Rural Development, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal. May-88 6,80,000.00
41 Drinking water scheme Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 04/2003 4,00,000.00
42 Drinking water system at Barkheda Distt. Jhabua Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 10/2004 65,000.00
43 Drinking water system at Vanvasi Ashram Distt. Jhabua Gas Authority of India Ltd., Jhabua 10/2004 111,000.00
44 Drought Proofing Scheme of CAPART under PC(Public Co-opration) in block Mahidpur, Dist.. Ujjain M.P Council for Advancement of Peoples Action & Rural Technology, India Habitat Centre, Loshi Road, New Delhi 03/03 3,700,578.00
45 EPCO     5,000.00
46 Established of a Rural Building Centre at Barkheda Distt. Jhabua under HUDCO Project HUDCO, New Delhi Dec-00 1,400,000.00
47 Establishment of SAMADHAN KENDRA at Panchayat level for Computer applications to Rural Areas Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi Oct-00 1,547,000.00
48 Evaluation of Afforestation Programmes, IIFM, Bhopal IIFM, Bhopal   25,000.00
49 Evaluation of AOFFP, New Delhi NAEB, New Delhi Dec-00 172,000.00
50 Evaluation of IAEPS in Karnataka Three distt. Of Karanataka NAEB, New Delhi Jul-00 144,000.00
51 Evaluation of IRDP State Project (6 District) Development Commissioner, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Jul-00 240,000.00
52 Evaluation Study on Allotment of Surplus land under land Reforms Programme in Bastar, Raipur, Durg, and Rajgarh Distt. of M.P Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Aug-93 1,60,000
53 Evaluation of the project Rang Grass and Legune Seed Production National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi Jun-96 1,16,000
54 Evaluation of the Projects Rang Grass and  Legune Seed Production                      National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, Govt.of India, New Delhi Jun-96 116,000.00
55 Evaluation of three schemes under IAEP, ADFFP and NTFP NAEB, New Delhi Jan-96 13,89,300
56 Evaluation of Tiger Project in Tadoba National Park at Chandrpur (MH) World Wild Fund, New Delhi Mar-99 15,170.00
57 Evaluation study for Housing for Hamals in M.P & Karnataka Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India, New Delhi Dec-98 7,45,000
58 Evaluation study of IRDP in 5 dist. (State)  Commissioner, Deptt. of Rural Development, Govt. of MP, Bhopal       Apr-92 200,000.00
59 Evaluation study of IWDP in Indore and Mhow districts Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi   28,800.00
60 Evaluation of Plantation done by N.V.D.A Narmada Valley Development Authority, Narmda Bhavan, Bhopal. Aug-94 10,06,500
61 Evaluation Study of Salaiya Project (Surendra Nagar) Ministry of Rural Development, Deptt. Of Wasteland Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Apr-94 19,000.00
62 Evaluation study of Salaiya Project (Surendra Nagar) Ministry of Rural Development Deptt. Of Wasteland Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Apr-94 19,000.00
63 Evaluation Study of Surplus land in M.P. Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Aug-93 1,60,000
64 Evaluation study of TRYSEM Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi May-93 28,600.00
65 Facilation of Model Distt. Design & implementation under WFP country Programme (2003-2007) for M.P. World Food Programme, 2 Poorvi Marg, New Delhi 01/2003 522,000.00
66 Study in Differential Approaches in Strategic Planning for Family Welfare and MCH in the State of M.P. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, G.O.I, New Delhi Sep-88 5,50,000
67 Feasibility study of a Watershed Development Project in Jhabua CAPART, New Delhi   2,00,000
68 Festival of India Government of India New Delhi Nov-90 4,78,260
69 Florid megation project UNICEF, E-7, 650, Areara Clolny, Bhopal 01/2005 1,089,800.00
70 Follow up Action for Grant-in-Aid Project in two state of Gujrat & Maharashtra        NAEB, New Delhi                Apr-95 387,450.00
71 Documentation of Human Rights & Citizen's Entitlement(Phase-I &II) Ford Foundation, New Delhi   4,38,566
72 Documentation on Access to Education in India Ford Foundation, New Delhi Sep-89 40,41,083.70
73 Formation of Women SHG on Kesla Block                Mahila Arthik Vikas Nigam,  Bhopal                      Mar-00 624,000.00
74 Formation of Women SHG on Sehore Block Mahila Arthik Vikas Nigam, Bhopal Jul-00 475,000.00
75 Grant in Aid Afforestation and Wasteland Development in selected villages of Ghoradongri on integranted land development Approach Phase - III N.A.E.B., Govt. of India, New Delhi Jan-96 6,63,360
76 Grant in Aid Afforestation Programme on Community and Private Wasteland in the selected villages in Prabhat Pattan Block of Betul District. Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Oct-93 3,70,000
77 Grant-in-Aid Afforestation and Wasteland Development in selected villages of Ghoradongri on integrated land Development Approach Phase-III         N.A.E.B., Govt. of India, New Delhi             Jan-96 446,400.00
78 Construction of High Rise Building Housing & Environment, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal.   40,000.00
79 Horticulture Development in 500 Hectares for 500 beneficiaries CAPART, New Delhi Oct-94 5,47,000
80 Research Study of Housing cum Worksheds for the Powerloom and Handloom Weavers Housing & Urban Development Corporation Ltd., (HUDCO), New Delhi. Nov-95 6,00,000
81 Indira Aawas Yojana an evaluation Ministry of Agriculture Deptt. Of Rural Development. Oct-87 3,00,00
82 IDBI Project Industrial Development Bank of India, Small Indutries Development, Bombay Apr-87 8,25,000
83 IIFM - Bhopal for Training     40,000.00
84 IIFM, Bhopal National Afforestation & Eco. Development Board, G.O.I., New Delhi Jun-92 75,000.00
85 IIFM, Bhopal National Afforestation & Eco. Development Board, G.O.I., New Delhi Jun-92 15,000.00
86 ILO Project, Jhabua International Labour Organisation, New Delhi Jul-98 5,00,000
87 ILO Project, Jhabua (old Phase) International Labour Organisation, New Delhi Apr-94 5,79,200
88 ILO Self Evaluation Project, Jhabua International Labour Organisation, New Delhi   10,000.00
89 ILO-Project, Jhabua International Labour Organisation, New Delhi Apr-94 23,66,431
90 Implementation of plantation project on 50 ha. of government land in the State of Madhya Pradesh. National Afforestation & Eco-development Boards, Ministry of Environment & forest, Govt. of India, New Delhi 05/2004 837,460.00
92 Indo-Canada Gyan Sanchar Project The Canadian International Development Agencies 08/2004 450,000.00
93 Industrial Development Bank of India     7,68,750
94 Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) Project The Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd., New Delhi   4,50,000
95 INTACH The Indian National Trust for Art & Heritage, New Delhi Dec-85 1,27,771
96 Integrated Development  Project Village, Badli Pada            World Food Programme, New Delhi.        Sep-99 1,518,000.00
97 Integrated Development of wastelands in Bundelkhand Region being Emplemnted by IGFRI,Jhansi   Jun-96 20,000.00
98 Integrated Development Project Village, Badli Pada World Food Programme, New Delhi Sep-99 15,18,000
99 Integrated Eco- Socio Development of selected tribal villages the people's participation in Jhabua                Church's Auxiliary for Social Action, New Delhi        Apr-96 4,257,000.00
100 Sustainable utilisation of Natural Resources in Jhabua District International Development Research Centre, New Delhi Sep-91 30,83,686
101 IRDP (Central) Project Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Sep-92 1,44,000
102 IRDP (State) Project - I Commissioner, Deptt. Of RuralDevelopment, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal. Jan-91 3,50,000
103 IRDP Project     18,000.00
104 IRDP Project Ministry of Agriculture Deptt. Of Rural Development, New Delhi. Jan-89 1,50,000
105 IWDP (DRDA) Jhabua Project, Jhabua National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi May-92 32,20,000
106 IWDP (DRDA) Jhabua Project, Jhabua                   National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, Govt.of India, New Delhi May-92 3,220,000.00
107 Sociological Study of Nomadic Graziers in Jammu and Kashmir Social Forestry Project, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir 1/889 2,50,000
108 Jawahar Rozgar Yojana Project -1 Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Jan-92 1,44,000
109 Jawahar Rozgar Yojana Project -2 Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi May-93 1,44,000
110 Jawahar Rozgar Yojna in Kesla Block, Saheli Gram, Distt. Hoshangabad Govt. of India, Ministry of  Rural Development, New Delhi Apr-95 51,55,000
111 JRY/DRDA, Jhabua Collector, District Rural Development Authority, Jhabua   2,23,900
112 Master Trainer's Training Rajiv Gandhi Mission, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Feb-98 6,19,425
113 Meena Abhiyan                      DRDA/Jhabua Unicef             Mar-00 56,695.00
114 Meerut Development Authority, Meerut Meerut Development Authority, Meerut Oct-92 2,71,875
115 Micro planning of Gram Panchyat under Chhatisgarh District Poverty Reduction Project Chhatisgarh District Poverty Reduction 02/2005 1,000,000.00
116 Midterm Evaluation of RGM DPAP 6th batch in Distt. Baster C.E.O., DRDA, Jagdalpur 03/2003 30,000.00
117 Midterm Evaluation of RGM DPAP 6th batch in Distt. Baster DRDA, Baster M.P. 06/2003 40,524.00
118 Ministry of Women Welfare Project     7,50,000
119 Model Village Plan : A Study of the Physical Structure of Villages Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Rural Development, GOI, New Delhi Jan-87 9,35,000
121 Monitoring of the Affo. Of Tree Planting Activities in Surat District N.A.E.B., Govt. of India, New Delhi Dec-96 25,000.00
123 Survey of Economic Routes. M.P.State Road Transport Corpn. Bhopal 84-86 365,000.00
124 Municipal Corporation Act, Project Local Self government, M.P., Bhopal. May-89 1,30,000
125 Documentation on Access to Municipal Services. Municipal Corporation New Delhi.   1,19,249.58
126 N.R.E.P Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi Nov-87 76,500.00
127 NAEB Bhavnagar Project National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, New Delhi May-95 20,000.00
128 Narmada Control Authority     1,88,534.50
129 Narmada Control Authority Narmada Control Authority, New Delhi Apr-98 3,00,00
130 Narmada Valley Development Authority, Project Narmada Valley Development Authority, Narmada Bhavan, Bhopal. Aug-94 10,06,000
131 National Dairy Development Board, Anand National Dairy Development Board, Anand Jun-93 44,30,000
132 National Dairy Development Board, Anand National Dairy Development Board, Anand Jun-93 21,11,428
133 Survey of New Okhla Industrial Development Authority Township New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, Uttar Pradesh   20,000.00
134 National Rural Employment programme of District, Shivpuri (M.P) Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi   20,000.00
135 National Rural Employment programme of District, Shajapur (M.P) Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi   42,500.00
136 NWDB (GIA) Project -I  Jhabua National Wasteland Development Board, Ministry of Forest and Enviornment, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Feb-92 6,71,300
137 NWDB (GIA) Project II, Jhabua National Wasteland Development Board, Ministry of Forest and Environment, Govt. of India, New Delhi Mar-94 46,77,045
138 NWDB Barkheda Pathani Project Deptt. Of Wasteland Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi Jan-94 77,616.00
139 NWDB Ghoradongri Project National Wasteland Development Board, Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi. May-91 9,00,750
140 NWDB Ghoradongri Project - II National Wasteland Development Board, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Oct-93 6,63,360
141 Organisation one Design & Techincial development Workshop under AHVY at Barkheda, Kalyanpura, Distt. Jhabua 
In beadwork craft 
In bamboo craft
GOI, Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi 02/2004 '02/2004 149500                                              167500
142 Organistaion of Workshop at Pachmarhi under CAPART Council for Advancement of Peoples Action & Rural Technology, India Habitat Centre, Loshi Road, New Delhi 05/02 55,000.00
143 Organistation of Workshop C.C.C., New Delhi Oct-01 22,644.00
144 Participatory Agriculture Ext. for sustainble livelohood in Jhabua & Meghnage block of Jhabua Distt. M.P. Gramin Vikas Trust, Bhopal 01/2004 1,468,100.00
145 Participatry project evaluation & prepration of a technical report Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal 03/2005 210,000.00
146 PCRA Workshop at Kanasia Pertolium Convervation Research Association, Mumbai 07/2003 65,000.00
147 Phasig out activities holding over operations under ILO (INDISCO Project) International Labour Organisation, New Delhi Jul-99 1,81,600
148 Phasing out activities holding over operations under ILO (INDISCO Proj.)          International Labour Orgainisation, New Delhi Jul-99 181,600.00
149 Poverty Alleviation through Poultry activity in Kesla cluster of Hoshangabad district Indo Cananda Corporation Office, New Delhi 01/2004 1,121,400.00
150 Optimisation Techniques for Power and Energy Conservation and stabilisation of Power systems in the contest of Industrial use. Ministry of Energy, Department of Power, GOI, New Delhi May-90 5,60,000
151 Preparation of Development  plan for Bagh Block        Development Commissioner, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Indore    Sep-96 200,000.00
152 Preparation of Development Plan for Alirajpur Block Development Commissioner, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Indore Feb-96 2,00,000
153 Provision of Urban amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) prepared and submitted by NCHSE for implementation in clusters of villages around Jhabua in Jhabua Distt. Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi   75,000.00
154 Provision of Urban amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) prepared and submitted by NCHSE for implementation in clusters of villages around Nagda in Ujjain Distt. Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi   75,000.00
155 Replacement of  Non-ISI mark Foot Valve(500 Nos) with ISI mark Foot valve in Diesel operated lift irrigation pumping system in M.P. Pertolium Convervation Research Association, Mumbai 10/2002 162,000.00
156 Research study entilled-impact of the implementation of national & state finance development corporations, Availability, Accessibility and Utilistaion of credit facility to the scheduled castes of M.P. Ministry of Social Justics and Empowerment, Monitoring Cell (SCD) New Delhi 08/2004 122,000.00
157 Evaluation Study of Rural Housing-sites under Minimum Needs Programme in selected cities Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi   6,50,000
158 Validation study of not covered Rural Habitations as the status of Rural Water Supply National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad   1,26,000
160 Sample checking of Afforestation and tree planting activities to be undertaking during 1993-94 Buldhana District of Maharashtra National Afforestation & Eco-development Board, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India, New Delhi Nov-95 20,000.00
161 Sample checking of NWDB work in Kolhapur NAEB, New Delhi Aug-94 20,000.00
162 Sample Checking of Plants 1997-1998 Sangli Distt.       NAEB, New Delhi                May-98 25,000.00
163 Sample Checking of Plants 1998-1999 in Seoni Distt. In M.P.              NAEB, New Delhi                May-00 30,000.00
164 Sample Checking of Plants in Garhchiroli NAEB, New Delhi                  30,000.00
165 Second Round sample survey in Mehsana, Gujarat National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Oct-96 25,000.00
166 Sep-up-Step-up Project Ministry of Urban Development (UPA Div.) Govt. of India, New Delhi Apr-90 1,00,000
167 Setting up a Distt. Consumer Information Centre at NCHSE Ministry of Consumer Affairs,Food & Public Distribution, Dept. of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi Apr-01 500,000.00
168 Setting up of common Facility Service Centre for Bamboo craft at Kalaynpura, Dist.. Jhabua Development Commissioner (Handicraft), Ministry of Textiles, Govt of India, New Delhi 05/2002 1,000,000.00
169 Socio-Economic Survey of ACC Kymore villages ACC, Kymore distt. Katni 10/2004 300,000.00
170 Status of Grazing, Carrying capacity Demand of grass and Pasturage policy issues and linkages with other sectors 1993 Forest Department, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Oct-92 3,00,000
171 Study for Institutional & Financial Arrangement for the Sustainable Envrionment Management of lake Bhopal Tetra Tach India Ltd., A-14/14, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 03/2003 423,064.00
172 Study of Ecological and Evnironmental degradation around ACC Kymore Factory, ACC Kymore Madhya Pradesh Hi-tech. Bhopal   20,000.00
173 Study of watershed development Programme in Madhya Pradesh Watershed Support Services & Activities Network, Secunderabad 08/2004 526,000.00
174 A Survey aimed at estimating the revenue account requirements of Municipalities for the years 2000 to 2005. National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi Nov-98 1,40,000
175 Survey of Oil Conservation Fortnight-2002 Indian Oil Corporation, Bhopal Feb-02 251,350.00
176 Survey of Water Resources in Ujjain & Jhabua Districts             Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission Govt. of M.P.Bhopal           Apr-99 94,050.00
177 Survey of Water Supply Sanitation of Solid Waste Management NIUA, New Delhi Nov-98 70,000.00
178 Tata Energy Consultancy Services Project T.E.C.S. Bombay May-93 2,00,000
179 Telford Project for development in Bamulia and Hinotia Villlage of Raisen District. Telford Challenge, London Mar.-01 1669660 (25000 Ponds)
180 Tendu Patta Project M.P. Laghu Vanopaj Sahakari Sangh Ltd., Bhopal. May-89 5,00,000
181 The Purchase & Distribution of Fodder & Water for the drought affected village in M.P. under the ACT Appeal Programme. Church's Auxiliary for Social Action, New Delhi May-00 200,000.00
182 Tourism & cultural programme Ministry of Information & Tech., New Delhi 02/2005 100,000.00
183 Training in Watershed Management Project Department of Wasteland Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Mar-95 8,58,000
184 Training of staff of public health and family welfare department on health info GIS DANIDA, Support Unit, Bhopal 12/2004 110,000.00
185 Training Programme for Master Trainers, Directorate of Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal.     Director, RGM, Bhopal Aug-00 409,500.00
186 Training Programme of GIS for PHED and Agriculture Department Officer Central for Instruction and Vocational Education, Bhopal   20,000.00
187 Tribal Software System Project Tribal & Harijan Welfare Department, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal. Jul-86 3,25,000
188 Status of Women and Children in Madhya Pradesh : Selective Indicators UNICEF, Bhopal. Apr-89 1,80,000
189 UNICEF Seminar Govt. of M.P. Urban Welfare Department, Bhopal. Apr-89 1,00,000
190 Perspective Plan of Urbanisation for Madhya Pradesh 2021 Director Urban Project, Ministry of Housing & Environment, Bhopal. Apr-93 20,00,000
191 A Study for the Formulation of Poverty Alleviation Programmes for Urban Slums Planning Commission, GOI, New Delhi Jul-86 2,11,750
193 Afforestation Strategy in Hill Areas : A study of the Bhagirathi Catchment in Tehri Garhwal The Planning Commission, Govt.of India Jun-88 1,75,000
194 Warranty on Health Info GIS Package Developed under MPBHSP Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Satpura Bhavan, Bhopal 01/2004 993,000.00
195 Watershed Demonstration Model Australian High Commission, New Delhi Jun-95 2,25,100
196 Watershed Development Project in Jhabua through CAPART FUNDING.            CAPART,  New  Delhi            Aug-99 7,284,000.00
197 WFP Project at Dodi Village of Kesla Distt.                       World Food Programme Forest Department, Satpura Bhavan, Bhopal       Jan-00 1,103,131.00
198 WFP Project for village, Amba Jhabua World Food Programme, Forest Department, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Feb.'01 920,000.00
199 WFP Project for village, Koyadharia, Jhabua World Food Programme, Forest Department, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Feb.'01 591,100.00
200 WFP Project for village, Patadi, Jhabua World Food Programme, Forest Department, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Feb.'01 834,000.00
201 WFP Workshop-  A report on State Consultation on Food Security and Food Assistance in Madhya Pradesh World Food Programme, Forest Department, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal Apr-02 310,200.00
202 Wired Village Programme            DRDA, Jhabua                   Jan-00 42,000.00
203 Workshop for CASA CASA, New Delhi   90,000.00
204 (a) RGM PIA , block - Vidisha, Distt. Vidisha
(b) WDC village - Ramgdha,Nittri, Bhadora, Dehri, Shahpur, Lakhuli, Parsukhedi, Jhirnia, Abela & Tilak
Executive Director, DRDA Vidisha 09/1997 1,670,000.00
205 (a) RGM PIA , block - Gyaraspur, Distt. Vidisha
(b) WDC village - Alcha, Talbahet, Madia Gaman, Basia Gajar & Gunnotha
Executive Director, DRDA Vidisha 02/2001 1,660,000.00
206 (a) RGM PIA , block - Nateran, Distt. Vidisha
(b) WDC village - Mohi, Bisonia, Ratwa, Baruakhar, Berkhedi, Motipur, Khatakhedi, Karriya, Dangarwada, Jamanyai, Rusalli & Lawakhedi
Executive Director, DRDA Vidisha 09/1997 2,640,000.00
207 (a) RGM PIA , block - Sironj, Distt. Vidisha 
(b) WDC village - Malsipur, Bardhai & Kamariya
Executive Director, DRDA Vidisha 02/2001 1,245,000.00
208 (a) RGM PIA , block - Icchawar,  Distt. Sehore
(b) WDC village - Amlaha, Bhadakhadi & Kudi
Executive Director, DRDA Sehore 02/1997 1,593,200.00
209 (a) RGM PIA, block - Kesla, Distt. Hoshangabad
(b) WDC village - Dhasai, Gomtipura, Bhamikapura, Maryapura, Tala, Belawada & Kesla
Executive Director, DRDA, Hoshangabad 03/1997 3,719,000.00
210 (a) RGM PIA -III, block Para, Distt. Jhabua
(b) WDC village - Chudili, Kalmoda, Sagiya, Dhawaliya, Tejariya, Samli & Jasoda
Executive Director, DRDA, Jhabua 07/2000 3,867,500.00

(a) RGM PIA -II, block  Distt. Jhabua 
(b) WDC village - Barkheda, Bhamarda, Mundat, Naranda & Padalghati

Executive Director, DRDA, Jhabua 01/1998 2,356,285.00
212 (a) RGM PIA -V 8 batch Distt. Jhabua Executive Director, DRDA, Jhabua 03/2003 1,380,000.00
213 (a) RGM DPAP-VII block Rama, Distt.Jhabua Executive Director, DRDA, Jhabua 03/2002 1,140,000.00
214 (a) RGM DPAP-VII block Meghnagar, Distt.Jhabua Executive Director, DRDA, Jhabua 03/2002 1,098,000.00

(a) RGM DPAP-II, block Sardarpur, Distt. Dhar
(b) WDC village - Govindpura, Kunarpat, Shampura, Kharjumi & Chippura

Executive Director, DRDA, Dhar 09/1996 2,416,997.00
216 (a) RGM DPAP-VII, block Sardarpur Distt. Dhar
(b) WDC village - Narsigdeola &  Badgeoli
Executive Director, DRDA, Dhar 03/2002 1,200,000.00

(a) RGM DPAP-VIII, block Sardarpur Distt. Dhar  
(b) WDC village - Kapasthal, Ledgaon & Tandakheda

Executive Director, DRDA, Dhar 03/2003 1,800,000.00
218 (a) RGM DPAP-VI block Sardarpur Distt. Dhar Executive Director, DRDA, Dhar 12/2000 1,831,000.00
219 (a) RGM PIA, block Tarana, Distt. Ujjain 
(b) WDC Village - Luniyakhedi, Chapri, Jhiranya, Kanasia, Yashwantgadh, Kanardi, Dilodri, Fanya & Atakhedi
Executive Director, DRDA, Ujjain 03/1997 2,287,893.00

(a) RGM PIA, block Barnagar,    Distt. Ujjain
(b) WDC village - Palsoda, Makrawan,   Banbana, Gulabkhedi, Sikandarkhedi, Malpura, Mahudi Alam, Amlavand, Jahagirpur, Jamalpura & Molakhedi

Executive Director, DRDA, Ujjain 03/1997 2,421,766.00
221 (a) RGM PIA, block Khachrod, Distt. Ujjain
(b) WDC village - Hidi, Ranipiplya, Borkhedi, Kirariya, Bhatera & Antervalia
Executive Director, DRDA, Ujjain 03/1997 2,421,385.00
222 (a) RGM PIA , block Shajapur, Distt. Shajapur
(b) WDC village -  Lahori, Gindori, Bassukhedi, Rignikheda, Dewla-bihar, Piplya-indore, Nayasamaj kheda, Singarcholi, Bhatkhedi, Khosla & Ladawadkheda
Executive Director, DRDA, Shajapur 07/2003 865,440.00
223 Watershed (MPRLP) Sendhwa-2 Cluster (Barwani District) DRDA, Barwani 2006-2007 24,00,000.00
224 Watershed (MPRLP) Alirajpur Cluster (Jhabua District) DRDA, Jhabua                   2006-2007 24,00,000.00
224 Watershed (MPRLP) Sardarpur Cluster (Dhar District) DRDA, Dhar 2006-2007 24,00,000.00
225 Impmentation of watershed project in Jhabua District(NREGS) Department of Panchayat and Rural Development 2006-2007 40,000,000.00
226 Impmentation of watershed project in Dhar District(NREGS) Department of Panchayat and Rural Development 2006-2007 40,000,000.00
227 Post harvest losses for selected four district Hoshangabad, Jhabua, Dewas & Neemuch CIAE, Bhopal 2006-2007 4,71,000.00
223 Construction of approach road from GAIL Colony to Mukhtidham, Jhabua GAIL India Limited 2006-2007 2,00,000.00
224 Providing of Bore well for drinking water facilities to Govt. High School, Jhabua GAIL India Limited 2006-2007 50,000.00
225 Drinking water facilitites in district Handicap Rehabilitation centre GAIL India Limited 2006-2007 50,000.00
226 Plantation work including fencing, railing from GAIL colony approach road to village Madhopura, Jhabua GAIL India Limited 2006-2007 3,20,000.00
227 JSDF Project capacity building of JFMC & Forest Officers CCF, community forest management M.P. 2006-2007 5,60,000.00