Environment Help Line
Late Dr. M.N.Buch, the founder chairman of NCHSE, will always be remembered for his tireless efforts towards environmental protection as well as for sustainable urban development in India. He had special affection for Bhopal city and contributed immensely towards its environmentally sustainable development. He also contributed immensely for the sustainable development of the state as a whole through dedicated and tireless communication of his thoughts and ideas on development issues to the authorities and the public through his prolific writing.
As a token of respect and commitments towards Dr Buch, NCHSE and Friends of the Environment Group has created a help line- a platform, where common citizen, especially youth could reach out for advice/help on urban developmental issues of Bhopal as well as for Madhya Pradesh.
- Create a resource centre of knowledge pool on environment and development in NCHSE with free access for the common citizen;
- Provide knowledge based assistance to common citizen on local environmental and other related issues;
- Empower the people, especially youth through capacity building and sharing information on environmental issues.
- Create a data base (a resource centre on environment and development in Madhya Pradesh) in NCHSE;
- Create a knowledge pool comprising of subject matter specialists ( Natural resource management, Forestry, Urban development, Heritage protection, Architecture, Planning, Industries, Environmental Law, etc.), who wish to provide voluntary and advisory support on citizens queries;
- Respond to public query with substantive information;
- Enroll youths as volunteers to support the cause.
- Organize monthly meetings to deliberate upon current development/management issues.
Email: environmp.helpline@gmail.com
Tel No.0755-2465651
1) Minutes of the Meeting of Environment Help Line held on 8th September 2015
2) Minutes of the Meeting of Environment Help Line held on 17th October 2015
3) Minutes of the Meeting of Environment Help Line held on 3rd December 2015
4) Environmp Helpline Bulletin No.1 : December 2015
5) Minutes of Consultation on Bhopal Smart City Project Proposal held on 18th January 2016
6) Participants of Environment helpline meeting held on 30th March 2016 feels that Smart City Project in Shivaji Nagar may not be financially viable
7) A tree walk on the occasion of World Environment Day, 5th June 2016
8) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 30th June, 2016
9) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 12th July, 2016
10) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 21st September, 2016
11) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 14th December, 2016
12) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 31st january, 2017
13) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 14th March, 2017
14) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 22nd July, 2017
15) Minutes of Meeting of NCHSE Environment Helpline held on 31st March, 2018