GIS, IT & ICT application

The State of Madhya Pradesh has the privilege of getting one of the first four projects in the country for Preparation of GIS maps under the auspices of Department of Electronics/ Ministry of IT.Govt. of India. NCHSE boasts of a fully fledged GIS centre at its Head Office in Bhopal and undertakes the work of fulfilling the GIS needs of the State. This centre today is one of the most reputed GIS centres in India. NCHSE, thus, is contributing to the growth of GIS technology in India through its humble efforts.

The IT Division of NCHSE also excels in Software Development and regularly handles projects related to Software Development Together, the GIS and IT division manages the following types of work:

Digitisation: Facility exists for in-house vectorization of maps. Both the equipment and the manpower are attuned to the task of digitization of maps with utmost precision and quality. The maps of any size and variety can be vectorized.
Software development: User oriented application software development on GIS and CAD platform is performed for specified disciplines for mechanising large processes. Watershed and Natural Resource Planning related solutions are available.
Training:Routine and special courses on GIS fundamentals, operations and concepts of Applications are regularly organized for sponsored candidates, companies and individuals.
Watershed development planning: GIS is being applied to Watershed Development Planning in a unique manner. The work includes map preparation on multiple themes to do with Natural Resources Socio- economic details, etc. These themes are superimposed and merged for further analysis. The task of identifying treatment of area and locating the suitable sites is undertaken along with peoples' participation.
Remote sensing interpretation: Visual and digital interpretation of remote sensing products is also carried out by the Cell. Thematic maps are prepared based upon the images, and are converted into the digital form for analyses and other GIS related works.
Map preparation: The task of thematic map generation is performed by the Cell. By linking the area information and details to the location map, presentable maps containing these features are prepared. Quality maps are generated for various natural resources and socio-economic details.

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