GIS, IT & ICT project listS
A few of important projects are mentioned below :-
Sl. No. |
Name of the Project |
Details |
1. |
GIS Preparation for Jhabua Block of Jhabua District.MP |
1997-99 |
This was the project with unique objective of evolving a GIS based methodology for Watershed Planning and it combined the people's and field inputs with Remote sensing and other published maps using GIS packages. The project was successfully completed with production of WATMAN package. |
2. |
Preparation of GIS based Health Information Management System for MP |
2004 |
GIS based MIS for Health Infrastructure and Services in State of Madhya Pradesh, where the Maps and Data for all 54,000 villages of the State were digitised and produced in the form of easy to use GIS package. The assignment was completed in just 7 months duration. The installations of GIS package were done at 313 Block Medical Offices, all the staff and officers were provided training to use GIS and thus the project was also commissioned by it. This package assists in monitoring of village level activities based on several indicators. |
3. |
Preparation of GIS for Health services in Ujjain city |
2009 |
The activities of the project was 1.Field survey for collection of data from the Ujjain city and its peri-urban areas on health infrastructure and services 2. Data entry to computerize whole of such information that would be compiled during the survey. 3. Digital mapping of the Ujjain city area and attachment of the database to formulate a full-fledged GIS. 4. Packaging the above said GIS into custom friendly application software for the access, use and management of data base. This package assists in monitoring of health provider in city based on several indicators. |
4. |
GIS and Remote Sensing based watershed programme impact assessment |
2009 |
to assess the impact of watershed activities in the study area. Use Remote sensing data for the pre and post developed condition. Compare the pre and post developed condition and analysis the impact |
5. |
Preparation of GIS based Wadi Management System and Training |
2010 |
NCHSE has developed a GIS based software for WADI monitoring for NABARD RO, Bhopal. Presently, NCHSE has been designated as central GIS processing agency by NABARD for all wadi projects implemented with the support of NABARD Regional Office, Bhopal to 40 NGOs of the State. For carrying out the services of NGOs, NCHSE is providing support in the form of geo referenced digitized village maps, indicating the location of respective wadis, beneficiary profile with wadi details. This is, in fact, a very good and effective software tool to monitor the progress of wadis and its real beneficiaries. It has primarily helped to get correct and proper reporting by NGOs in respect of the wadi projects. Read an article on "GIS for effective monitoring of orchards" |
6. |
GIS based MIS for Village Planning for GUNA & Shivpuri Districts, M.P. |
2005-06 |
A package for the household level information on Health Indicators of family welfare activities shall be created for Shivpuri and Guna districts. The information on general village level statistics would also be included. This information is being collected through primary survey in villages, which will be entered in the computer to formulate the package. This package assists in monitoring of household/village level activities based on several indicators |
7. |
MIS cum GIS software Development for baseline data and digitization of village social map |
2010-11 |
UNICEF supported integrated intervention popular as Bal Bandhu Lalitpur is being implemented in Lalitpur district, UP in as many as 682 villages of six blocks of the district.This project is an attempt to build upon the ongoing processes in sectors of education, health, nutrition, child rights, drinking water & sanitation and HIV/AIDS. It focuses on integrated village planning, expanding capabilities of community to own the responsibilities, intersectoral linkages and convergence with ongoing national and state sponsored programmes. This package assists in monitoring of household/village level activities based on several indicators |
8. |
Web-GIS for Guna and Shivpuri districts of M.P. |
2012-13 |
The development of Web-GIS for Guna and Shivpuri districts was conceptualized based on the needs and data received from departments. The departments includes health, education, women and child department, food and civil supplies, Panchayat, Triabl, Police, etc. primary census figures related to 2011. This website helps to monitor different indicator of the departments.
8. |
Android mobile/tablet based data collection software and real time Web GIS for monitoring of behavior change of community . |
2013-14 |
This Web GIS helps to monitor the following- (a) Data such as status of toilet, family members, their names, village and assign them a unique identity code. (b)Synchronizing the data with the photographs taken of the household toilet. (c) Assigning collected data and photographs to a particular point or location with the help of GPS. (d) Monitoring behavior change of community. (e) Presentation of data in the form of maps, picture, tables and graphs.