
The training wing of NCHSE has been active for the past 30 years and has successfully completed a sizable number of workshops and training programmes for NGO representatives, master trainers, middle level government programme functionaries, panchayat level functionaries, members of civil society, local people, women SHG members, user group members, etc. The centre has also organized a number of workshops, seminars and consultation meets at the state level. NCHSE organizes these programmes at its headquarters in Bhopal and at its rural training centres located at NCHSE branch offices of Kalyanpura (Dist. Jhabua) and Kesla (Dist. Hoshangabad) with the help of local infrastructure, technical support and resource persons. One of the notable features of conducting training programmes is the sharing of practical experiences and exposure visits. A few of the important training programmes conducted by NCHSE are:
  1. Organizing regularly training programmes for the representatives of watershed committees, user groups, self help groups, local people, panchayat functionaries, NGO representatives for effective implementation of watershed development programme under the projects of Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission, CAPART, World Food Programme, CASA, etc. from 1997 onwards.
  2. Holding of training to strengthen the capacity building of the women self help group members for group formation, leadership development, empowerment, social equity, record keeping, micro finance, income generation programmes, etc.
  3. Conducting vocational training courses of poultry rearing each of 35 days for the benefit of women entrepreneurs in Kesla block of Hoshangabad district (M.P.) under a programme of Canadian High Commission, New Delhi.
  4. Carrying out of training programmes of total sanitation on a regular basis in 12 districts of western Madhya Pradesh with the support of UNICEF and WALMI.
  5. Training for empowering youth for geo-informatics and participation for local area development (EYGIPLAD) for central region (Phanda block) - a joint venture of NCHSE and WALMI.
  6. Financial Literacy and Capacity Building Programme in Madhya Pradesh: ITC Limited and Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MPSRLM) entered into an agreement for the implementation of a dedicated “Financial Literacy Programme” in 43 identified Districts of Madhya Pradesh in 2017-18. The objective of this partnership is to strengthen the implementation capability of the MPSRLM through technical assistance from ITC and CRISIL and implementation support from NCHSE. The key principle behind this arrangement is to create an ‘enabling environment’ for sustaining good financial habits and practices within women SHGs and enhance the capability of human resource mainly the CRPs (Community Resource Persons). All the new, revived and pre NRLM SHGs which are currently under MPSRLM are being covered under this Project. CRISIL being the knowledge partner provides training for the Super Trainer and Master Trainers selected by the MPSRLM. NCHSE provide support with respect to coordination with concerned agencies, imparting training of Trainers, SHGs/VRPs and project monitoring.


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