Buch Memorial Lectures
2. "Understanding black money in India" Second Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr.Y.V. Reddy on 5th October, 2016
3. "Challenges of Governance in India" Third Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture delivered by Sir Mark Tully on 5th October, 2017
4. "Globalisation and its Impact on Indian Farmers" Fourth Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof. Y.K.Alagh on 5th October, 2018
6."Mahatma ki Mahila Shakti"- Seventh Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture delivered by Shri Arvind Mohan" on 2nd October, 2022
7.“Trajectory of Urban Planning” - Eighth Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture delevered by Shri Dunu Roy, Chemical Engineer, social scientist and political ecologist on 5th October, 2023
8.“Resilience and Sustainable Development in the Hindu Kush Himalaya” - Ninth Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture delevered by Dr. Eklabya Sharma, FNA, FNSc (Padma Shri) Strategic Advisor & Distinguished Fellow, ATREE, Bangalore on 5th October, 2024