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GIS and Mapping services at NCHSE


Digitisation and Basic Mapping

Thematic mapping

Complex mapping, Superimposition/Integration of Maps

GIS/Map based analysis, decision making

Custom made GIS packages for your table top PC

GIS Training

Consultancy for establishing GIS Application




Digitisation and Basic Mapping

We can offer you GIS services like map making, bulk digitisation, etc.

You need basic mapping on computers. You need it for presentations, for reporting. You need it for in-house records. You know it makes a good comparison between the pre-project and post-project scenes.

You want illustration of your field activities, to present the works and also their impacts, which can be only shown with the help of maps of the area. By placing symbols over it you may show activities carried out in situ and its impact with colourful hatching. All your reporting would change. Tables and long text type of reports are no longer accepted. 

Show your work on one single sheet. Present a birds's eyeview.

All it takes is plain paper map of the village/town/field. Digitisation brings it to workable form on computer. Place symbols on paper print maps to show the location of activity, which will also be digitised on computer and added to map as a layer using GIS software. 

The final products may be provided in the form of Print as hardcopy or on CD as files. 

Do contact us now for your requirements

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Thematic mapping

The information about any area needs to be plotted on maps. The subjects/themes for which the mapping is done are dependent upon individual's requirements. But, the thematic mapping involves a set procedure on computer once you provide the relevant information with their respective locations on ground. The hatching of boundaries, creation of boundaries, plotting of details about features may be wonderfully performed on GIS. It supports your explanation about site selection. The impacts or hazards may also be shown. The thematic maps form a strong base for further GIS processing also such as analysis, superimposition, decision making, etc. 

The thematic maps may be formed on basis of SoI toposheets or remote sensed data. We can help you in expert level remote sensing interpretation also. 

The final products may be provided in the form of Print as hardcopy or on CD as files.

Do contact us now for your requirements

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Complex mapping, Superimposition, Integration of Maps

Complex mapping can also be performed both manually first and then on GIS also. This would include data attachment, hatching, generation of multi-layered information, etc.

Such mapping is quickly done on GIS since the base map is common. Once digitised it is used again for further plotting of information. 

At times information is extracted from maps of different scales. To superimpose, it requires task of scale alteration of the map so that all are brought at the same scale and have common ground control points (GCPs) also. Certain maps may have to geo-referenced also if they are not. Global Positioning System is also used to corroborate the field data or correcting the information of the field. The data compiled through use of GPSs also helps the transfer of information to maps correctly.

Do contact us now for your requirements

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GIS/Map based analysis, decision making

The superimposition of maps, analysis of data, querying the information on maps is all performed using GIS. 

This is most useful feature of GIS. In fact this is the main end-use of all the GIS created. 

The mapped outputs of queries/analysis help in many ways for decision making, e.g. planning activities, site identification, justifying site selection, evaluation of impact of activities and monitoring the activities.

Do contact us now for your requirements

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Custom made GIS packages for your table top PC

GIS as such is not so easy to use. It needs bit of a training. The normal observation is that everybody cannot use the GIS package unless the GIS is customised according to the requirement of any project or office. Also the masking over the hardcore GIS through menu and screen dependent presenting the common language of the project/office, makes a difference. The GIS runs at the background, where as menus and front screen mentioning the steps as the staff/officers want, generates the necessary interface. The working on GIS thus is made very simple.

Not all GIS vendors/sellers/users would do such kind of programming for you. It requires knowledge of GIS language programming, understanding of GIS functions as well as equal understanding of your requirements. NCHSE specialises in this sector and has provided solution to very many user organisations as GIS based softwares.

After the tailor made GIS software runs along with platform GIS, everybody from junior staff to senior most officers may work on GIS comfortably, effectively.

Do contact us now for your requirements

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GIS Training

You really need Training if you have time and zeal to use GIS yourself. There are good careers in GIS these days for the youths/researchers. As such certain staff from IT departments must be given this GIS training, since they with this little input would bring lot of change in computerisation for any organisation. Whatever your discipline, every body easily learns the GIS operations. It is the training methodology that matters. Join our courses.

Do contact us now for your requirements

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Consultancy for establishing GIS Application

GIS, apart from scientific and technical work, is also useful for many non technical activities e.g. marketing of products, controlling human resource spread across in city/state, transportation, plantation, infrastructure review, so on.

We shall tell you how to go about.

Do contact us now for your requirements

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Contact persons: Mr.Avinash Shrivastava (+91-9406528098)
                          Mr. Praveen Sharma (+91-9893170501)
Office Phones:_91-0755-2463731, 4277074. 
Fax:               : _91-0755-2465651
Postal address: 
National Centre for Human Settlements and Environment (NCHSE), 
E-5/A, Girish Kunj, Arera Colony, BHOPAL. 426016. INDIA.
              Email :  

List of Clients:

Department of IT, Govt. of India

Department of Health, Govt. of M.P. (through DANIDA)



Karolinska University, Stockhome, Sweden


MP Women and Child Devl Deptt.


MP Bhojwet Land project

Tetra-Tech Consultants Pvt.Ltd.

JP Associates

Water and Land Management Institute

Disaster Management Institute

MP Aids Control Society

DRDAs, Zilla Panchayats


NREGS, Raisen

Water Resources Deptt. Govt. of MP

CAPART, New Delhi, AFPRO, Ahmednagar, SRI, Ranchi

Bhopal Nagar Nigam

Rajya Shiksha Kendra


MP Consultancy Organisation MPCON

PowerGrid Corporation


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Wanna get some MP Maps

A set of useful Maps on Madhya Pradesh