Articles of Dr. M.N.Buch (2011)

S.No. Topic of the articles
1 Reforming the judiciary
2 The hullabaloo over CBI.
3 What is the CBI?
4 Is Our Secularism Only Skin Deep?
5 How about some commonsense in dealing with corruption?
6 Is FDI in retail the only true mantra for development?
7 The law is not an ass - only people are
8 So help us, lord!
9 Is democracy another word for anarchy?
10 Hikmat Amli
11 Code of criminal procedure
12 The police in India
13 Tackling malnutrition
14 Feeding the multitudes
15 The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958 and Armed Forces (Jammu & Kashmir) (Special Powers) Act 1990
16 The armed forces (special powers) act 1958
17 Pakistan and related questions
18 The crisis of government
19 Managing the indian money market
20 I, the people !!
21 What is leadership all about?
22 Bail
23 Why transparency?
24 The right of eminent domain
25 A Government in tatters
26 Where is Government?
27 The role of the governor
28 Ramlila ground – what next?
29 Lokpal, jan lokpal or Obstructionpal?
30 Ombudsman or Lokpal?
31 Fighting corruption or tilting at windmills?
32 Handling public agitations and movements
33 Whither education?
34 We shall not retire
35 Communalism and the secular state
36 The national rural employment guarantee programme
37 तू धन्य है ऐ गृह मंत्री चिदम्बरम!  
38 The structure of government in India
39 The bureaucratic caste system
40 The Prevention Of Communal And Targeted Violence (Access To Justice And Reparation) Bill 2011  -- A review
41 रोजगार, अतिक्रमण और सरकार
42 The role of the Prime Minister in a westminster democracy
43 The socalled civil society
44 Police and the law
45 A play which only has villains
46 Osama and his legacy for India
47 Osamaji, Afzal Guruji and Ajmal Kasabji
48 Some thoughts on euthanasia
49 Who made you a magistrate, ABVP?
50 Minority status of Jammia Millia
51 The subterranean economy
52 Investment melas and such other tamashas
53 The will to Govern
54 The policeman & the magistrate
55 The State is not for sale, Mr. Bachachan



Original text