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Dr. V.D.GardeEx General Manager and Head Computer Centre, BHEL, Bhopal, Fellow Member, Advisor IT and Director General GIS Academy, NCHSE.

Experienced in the areas of IT application, H.R.D. and design and implementation of numerous IT and training programmes in Advisory capacity;

played key role in establishment of several Govt. and corporate agencies and institutions from the point of both technical and administrative inputs.  

He was honoured with national award for his contribution to IT sector Development.



V.Saraf, (Visiting GIS expert) Ex- Director, NCHSE

Successfully managed and completed project on GIS for Jhabua sponsored by Govt. of India. It was a three year project aiming at micro level GIS preparation and R.S. based and other products based thematic mapping and its direct applications to watersheds. Under the project, a procedure package has been developed for micro-watershed development planning which uniquely features technical and participatory planning in a very balanced manner. The package is being used at various places in M.P., Maharashtra, Jharkhand etc.

-           A DANIDA assisted project on GIS for entire Madhya Pradesh for Deptt of Health
_____Services Govt. of M.P. was  successfully completed.

-                    As incharge of another Ministry of IT project for rural masses, also established successfully a Samadhan Kendra (IT Information cum Counselling Centre) at village level in Ujjain district. Also heading ICT Project Gyansanchar in the State.

-                    Many other works relating to GIS and IT applications have been carried out such as preparation of action plan for Watersheds for DRDAs & NGOs, rescue action planning for earth quake prone areas for Khandwa distt., GIS preparation for water resources participatory Irrigation Management, etc.

-                    Participated in several workshops and made presentations before high level committees.

-                    Experience of organising medium to large scale workshops and meets including state level consultations for govt. & international sponsors.

-                    Authored articles in journals and books  such as : NIRD journal, Enterpreneur, Handbook for irrigation engineers etc.

-                    Extensive works done on trainings related with GIS and general computers application in capacity of guest faculty member  at several institutes like govt. polytechnic, Academy of Administration, All India Institute of Local Self Govt., IIFM, etc.; contributed towards design and execution of training programmes. Currently managing (in capacity of in-charge) GIS Academy at Bhopal, and running various GIS courses for Govt. and  individual candidates.

-                    Has been a Resource member in IT task force for Govt. of M.P.



Dr. Ram Manohar Singh (Visiting GIS Scientist):

Experienced in fields of Geology (mainly Mapping Techniques), Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing (DIP) and GIS, Mapping, GIS based monitoring & evaluation of natural resources, Cadastral mapping, conducting training programmes on GIS for various users and students including preparation of course structure, schedule, material conducting classes, demonstration and practicals.

The assignment and projects completed include:

(i)      A project sponsored by Department of Electronics (DoE), Govt. of India on preparation of GIS for Jhabua block, Jhabua district M. P. The project aimed at collection and creation of various thematic information in the form of maps; its interpretation analysis and integration for GIS based watershed planning at macro and micro level (land parcel level),

(ii)     A project of Tata Chemicals Limited based on village land parcel level map preparation and creation of GIS ready database and query cell for Agra and Bareli districts of Uttar Pradesh.,

(iii)    3 projects under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, of Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh to prepare groundwater potential and recharge maps using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, sponsored by National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh and,

(iv)    A project on Delineation of Micro watershed on 1:50,000 scale and Development of GIS, for Raisen district, Madhya Pradesh.

(v)    A DANIDA assisted project on GIS for entire Madhya Pradesh for Deptt of Health Services, Govt. of M.P. was successfully completed.  




Avinash Shrivastava (Senior Programmer and Data Analyst)

Experienced in programming, software development, Survey Data Analysis & Report Preparation, web page designing and also handling large scale digitization works, GIS preparation including data base preparation and linking and other analysis activities based on GIS.  Also experienced in conducting training programmes on GIS for various levels ranging from students to Govt. officials and professionals including organising demonstration and practicals.

The assignment and projects completed include: 

Assisted in Data analysis and documentation work related with (i)Prospective Urban Development Plan –2021, sponsored by Min. of Housing & Environment (ii) ADB sponsored project on Urban Infrastructure and Housing in M.P., (iii) Department For International Development(DFID).

Data Analysis by DBMS of (i)Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources in Jhabua District of MP, a study sponsored by IDRC, Canada(ii)Evaluation of Compensatory Plantations done by the Narmada Valley Development  Authority, Bhopal, (iii)Study of Handloom Weavers Housing cum Worksheds in cities of Meerut, Solapur & Coimbatore, Sponsored by : HUDCO, New Delhi. (iv) Feasibility Study of Housing Scheme for Hammals in the states of M.P.& Karnataka, Sponsored by: Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India, New Delhi (v)Survey of Selected Gram Panchayats of Jhabua and Tarana (Ujjain) Blocks for the preparation of Lok Jal Prativedan, Sponsored by: RGM, Bhopal.  

Survey & Data Analysis for (i) Survey on Status of Water Supply, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management  in selected Urban Areas of  India, (ii)Study of the revenue account requirements of selected Municipalities in the state of  M.P. & Orissa - EFC Study. (iii)Concurrent evaluation of IRDP in 6 district, (iv) Survey for Oil Conservation Fortnight 2002.

GIS Project : Handled S/w Development work in  GIS based Watershed Development planning package (WATMAN) Under the  sponsorship of IT, Govt. of India project “Preparation of Geographic Information System for Jhabua block, Jhabua district M.P.

Also handled GIS work for various departments like Disaster management  Institute, Bhopal  Regional Research Laboratory, Bhopal , Water Resource Department , Aids Control Society, Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission, Higher Education, M.P, etc.) which is differentiate according as per their requirements.

A DANIDA assisted project on GIS for entire Madhya Pradesh for Deptt of Health Services, Govt. of M.P. was successfully completed in 2004.



Praveen Sharma (GIS Expert)

Experience in Data & documentation work, Web page designing, Photo editing and multimedia, Digitization, Survey, training programmes.

 The assignments and projects completed include

 (i) ADB sponsored project on Urban Infrastructure and Housing in M.P., (ii)Department For International Development(DFID), (iii)Feasibility Study of Housing Scheme for Hammals in the states of M.P.& Karnataka. (iv)Survey of Selected Gram Panchayats of Jhabua and Tarana (Ujjain) Blocks for the preparation of Lok Jal Prativedan.     

 Survey (i)Survey on Status of Water Supply, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management  in selected Urban Areas of  India, (ii)Study of the revenue account requirements of selected Municipalities in the state of  M.P. & Orissa - EFC Study. (iii)Concurrent evaluation of IRDP in 6 district, (iv) Survey for Oil Conservation Fortnight 2002.

 GIS Project: Digitization work Handled sponsorship of IT, Govt. of India project “Preparation of Geographic Information System for Jhabua block, Jhabua district M.P.

Also assisted in GIS work for various departments like Disaster management  Institute, Bhopal  Regional Research Laboratory, Bhopal , Water Resource Department , Aids Control Society, Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission, Higher Education, M.P, etc.) which is differentiate according as per their requirements.

A DANIDA assisted project on GIS for entire Madhya Pradesh for Deptt of Health Services Govt. of M.P. was successfully completed.






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