Let us Relax for a while
and.. Play with this smart Dog
This dog will play with you as you like. Move mouse pointer, and it will follow. If doesn't listen, click pointer two/three times at a point.
Offer it the Bone, it will accept.
There are other objects and instructions for Dog also in the Panel given above:
1st - Bone, that you already have used.
2nd - Piece of Loaf of Bread, Click that and it would reach Dog from bottom
3rd - Red ball, click it and Dog will rush to Grab it, Dog likes playing with ball
4th - Up-arrow : click it, This Instructs Dog to Get up
5th - Down-arrow: Instructs Dog to lower down, another click make it sit, and then sleep.
6th - That is camera. If used, Dog would give you a pose.
Don't Instruct it anything for some time, Watch it roam around... IT IS A LOVELY DOG.
Never Bites.