Madhya Pradesh is a populous State
with a large number of villages. Access
to health facilities is very poor and the government's infrastructure is
also limited and does not match the requirement any way. The health
services also are not effective because of large geographic dimensions,
poor connectivity and improportionate deployment of manpower and
DANIDA, the Danish International
Development Agency had been supporting Department of Health on resource
development, training, family welfare (especially women and child)
activities etc. DANIDA and Health
Department's higher authorities felt the strong need of compilation of
up-to-date information from the field and realized this as the basic
necessity to manage the huge infrastructure and the services associated.
It was decided to develop a multifaceted database for the entire State
covering information on health infrastructure, services, family
programmes and the indicators of its impact. The information items to
include were chosen as detailed information of all types of health
service providers (individuals like qualified, nonqualified and
traditional practitioners and government and private institutions)
information on women such as pregnancy registration, ANCs, delivery,
etc., information on children like births, birth rates, immunization
THE TASK: The entire state, all its villages and towns were surveyed and the job also included carrying out the
computerization of the information, linking it to village
maps and finally formulate a Geographic Information System on Health.