World Food Programme Projects at Hoshangabad and Jhabua districts

A couple of projects under the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) are being implemented in Jhabua and Hoshangabad districts. This programme facilitates micro planning and participatory development of selected tribal forest villages. NCHSE has taken up village Badlipada of Jhabua district and village Dodi of Hoshangabad district under this programme. Community organisation and economic progress with the support of village development committees are the thrust points of the programme’s objective. In village Dodi there are 78 families out of which 62 families are landowners. Total geographical area of the village is 121.87 ha. Prior to the project only 90.6 ha. land was cultivated. There was no irrigation at all. Through construction of one earthen structure and the deepening of four wells, 118.00 ha. land has become irrigated and all the 62 families have benefited. Moreover, there are 16 landless families that have got benefits from other income generating activities. Before completion of this project, village development committee set out the rules for maintenance of the physical assets created under the project. On completion of the project, the village development committee has started taking care of all the activities themselves. In village Badlipada, the villagers protected 360 ha. of forest waste land (a hill piece of land) for fodder development. Women empowerment has been sought to be achieved through forming self help groups. Five women self help group were formed, with 54 members. These groups are regularly saving money in their saving fund and are utilizing the amount for giving loans within the group for various small needs of the members. Out of 54 group members, 24 women were engaged in various income generating programmes. Presently NCHSE is implementing WFP programme in two villages Koyadhariya and Amba of Jhabua district. In these villages social mobilization is one of the major activities. Under this a large number of people are associated with the programme of using organic manure and non-conventional energy sources like biogas. This reflects the peoples' participation in the development process. Giving up of liquor consumption, reduction in the number of child marriages, promotion of education, health and hygiene is not only very much appreciated by villagers but they are also taking initiatives in these activities.