Targeted Intervention in urban areas of Ujjain district is being conducted by NCHSE since October, 2008 for prevention of Human immune Deficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDs) amongst female sex workers. The objective of TI project is to ensure effective management to provide safe sexual practice through behavioral change communication by way of condom promotion during sexual intercourse for reduction of vulnerability of HIV infection. Initially the project was slow but due to making converted efforts, motivation by a staff of Ujjain and with the help of technical support unit MPSACS, Ujjain TI project is selected as a model T.I. in M.P. during the year 2013. In view of this higher expectation, timely guidance and conducting of training programmes for the benefit of the staff is provided by a Pune based NGO, Path Finder on the recommendations of NACO/ MPSACS.
For increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS, community events and health camps are regularly organized by NCHSE Ujjain in accordance with guidelines of NACO.
every year, a large quantity of condoms have been distributed amongst more than 600 female sex workers through out reach workers, Peer Educators. In addition to it, more than 7000 condoms have been distributed from outlets at various hot spots. The Sexual Transmitted infection (STI) treatments have been provided to female sex workers through Integrated Counseling and Testing Center (ICTC), Ujjain followed by repetition of 30 per cent.