MP GIS is now hosting
The show room for GIS Packages


Calling GIS Manufacturers and GIS Selling and solution providing firms

for GIS Products Page of MP GIS portal



Contact NCHSE to get in touch with us to book an entry or if you have some queries/suggestions  or to know as to how to make entries.



Dear Sir/Madam,

NCHSE, Bhopal has launched a website (portal) on GIS and mapping called as MPGIS.

Its URL is or alternately it is accessible as



The main features of the Portal MPGIS are as follows:

  1. Most importantly MPGIS is deemed to work as a “guiding, informative source” for the people and organizations who wish to take up GIS or who wish to upgrade level of GIS application. So, it offers lot of useful material on GIS, Mapping and GIS applications, availability of services, etc.
  2. It is also envisaged as an upcoming bank of information presented on maps about the progress in the State of Madhya Pradesh. The progress is to be presented on account of contributions made by various government departments, oganisations, NGOs, etc. through their development projects and efforts.

This site also briefly exhibits the NCHSE’s work samples and presents introduction about NCHSE GIS Centre. 


MPGIS primarily is deemed to work as a “guiding, informative source” for the people and organizations who wish to take up GIS or who wish to upgrade level of GIS application. It offers lot of useful material on GIS, Mapping and GIS applications, availability of services, etc.The portal is emerging as a common platform for government organisations and NGOs to exhibit their field works on GIS maps. This portal is the only one on its kind in M.P.- a Province which is fast taking to modernisation. GIS applications are suddenly on the rise amongst government departments and NGO sector.


As regards the sale of GIS or sale of GIS based solutions, there are takers in the government department, organizations and NGO sector. They only need to be informed about utility of GIS, availability of  support, and about the GIS softwares available in the market along with their features.  All GIS sellers may take advantage of the opportunity. The GIS manufacturers/suppliers may subscribe their product details for display on the Portal. They may as well provide an advertisement (or ask for creating one) of their product on such an important portal.  



  1. When we talk about the Services on GIS, there are openings for the GIS consultants and developers who may expect to get assignments from the state government, NGOs and private organisations for providing all kinds of technical support for GIS preparation and GIS applications.
  2. When we talk about the sale of GIS or sale of GIS based solutions, there are takers in the government department, organizations and NGO sector. They only need to be informed about utility of GIS, availability of some kind of support, and about the GIS softwares available in the market along with their features.  

    All GIS sellers may take advantage of the opportunity. The GIS manufacturers/suppliers may subscribe their product details for display on the Portal. They may as well provide an advertisement (or ask for creating one) of their product on such an important portal.  
  3. When we talk about GIS related publications, magazines, technical papers on GIS applications, projects, etc., one may subscribe useful educational material with text and map samples for being included on MPGIS.
  4. The government departments, organizations, NGOs, private firms, individual researchers may also subscribe their material for publications on MPGIS in the form of text matter along with photographs and most essentially maps of the project area to highlight the activities undertaken and impacts registered on ground. Maps are an acceptable and an effective medium of presentation of such information as it also helps to show many other details about the area.  

Since many implementing departments and organizations are going to display the details of their projects and activities on this platform (which is the only portal of such kind run by an implementing organization itself), this is deemed to be a GIS based Panorama of Progress and Development in Madhya Pradesh.  On one hand when this Panorama would display the different samples of development across the State, the implementing agency may certainly take this opportunity to display their best efforts and highlight the impact on the ground due to their made interventions. It would also thus become a useful window for demonstrating before national and international organizations,  the useful efforts made under the programme, which every good organization and department would always like to do.




You only may create yourself the advertisement banner to host on MPGIS portal and supply us on our e-mail id: copy to through a letter asking for hosting the matter, marking attention to Mr.Avinash Shrivastava or Dr.R.M.Singh. Additional material in the form of description of product, comparative features, etc. may also be sent for hosting. The details of extent of matter are as follows:

- It should be an optimized GIF banner of approximate sizes: 370X68 (Horizontal)  or 270X400 (Vertical)

- It should/may include a HTML text and tables of about 500 words to be included as description of the product.

- The Site is developed mainly to be viewed in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

This would be possible for us to host the matter if our technical team does not have any technical difficulty with it. This is essential for the subscriber to ensure that the matter is free from all Viruses/Trojans. 

It must be noted that our editorial team reserves all rights to ask for reformatting for acceptance under our standard formats or revert to subscriber asking for any technical/qualitative changes in the matter and such actions shall not be questionable. The editorial team also reserves rights to display Ad on any of the additional pages other than one pre-fixed for it as 'GIS Packages'  which is linked with 'GIS for You page: THINKING OF BUYING GIS'  and also to take any other similar actions any time without any prior notice or any intimation given to the subscriber. 

MPGIS Editorial team, shall examine the Advertisement received from you. If the contents are found to be acceptable, an approval shall be communicated to you. .On receiving of such confirmation from MPGIS, the subscriber shall have to pay the Hosting Charges as Indian Rs. 25,000/- per entry for Six Months period. The Hosting can be renewed automatically with payment of due charges as per rate prevalent then. 

The Advertisement hosting may be discontinued/aborted, if the subscriber is found to misuse or take undue advantage of hosting of their advertisement on this Portal or if the Subscriber for some reason by any of the Government Department/Organisation or reputed organisation is officially black listed in the business dealings or gets into serious similar disputes or is found to be involved in some anti-national, generally understood as damaging and harmful acts against development of society and if any such confirmed intimation is received to this office from reliable sources.

The Editorial team shall be free to revise/alter any of the terms and conditions any time without quoting any reason therefor.



The designers  NCHSE:

In fact NCHSE has been involved in the GIS preparation and GIS applications works for past several years. It has established its presence in central India, and in certain cases the works have been recognized at the national and international levels also. NCHSE, originally, is an NGO with its Head Quarters at Bhopal, India. (you may like to visit NCHSE’s official website for organisation’s details). NCHSE’s has attained a high position in the field of GIS applications solely because of its experience in and understanding of the filed applications, and NCHSE excels   in providing practical field oriented GIS solutions.


Primarily there have been very little efforts by any agency in the direction of promoting usage of GIS in the State of M.P.. NCHSE has many reasons to be a known figure in this arena since it has been the first voluntary organization in the state to have got many innovative GIS projects and programmes, which emerged out as ideal examples for replication.


NCHSE has already established itself as a major consultancy and service organization in GIS applications field and it has earned numerous assignments from many organizations and departments simply because of its proven strength and capabilities. State Government, Central Government Ministries and also many International Orgnisations such DANIDA, UNICEF, Swedish University, etc. have given assignments to NCHSE.


NCHSE has also been volunteering in the direction of providing useful applied GIS training. It has also been involved in oragnising GIS application related awareness workshops for general benefit.